Saturday, 12 February 2011

End of winter blues

I have the end of Winter blues.  My soul is longing for the beginning of Spring,  when the flowers pop their heads up and say hello to the world,  the squirrels scurry about the park with luminous eyes.  The foxes forage about,  and the world is full of birdsong.  I have a camera sans batteries at the moment,  so I will just tell you what I am searching for...a cloche,  a large bunch of lavender, and some inspiration!  On that note I will scurry off to look at your blogs to get the inspiration!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Gorgeous post..beautiful thoughts..what a lovely world here!

  2. I too want spring desperately. My energy level seem to double with warm sunny weather. It won't be long, we just have to hang in there.

  3. OOPS I meant seems to double.

  4. I love lavender ...what a lovely image!

  5. Hi Jacqui, I absolutely love your picture of all of the lavender. You know it one of my favorite things in this whole world. I would love to live on a lavender farm. Wouldn't that be great?


  6. A lavender farm in France would do it for me, Mo
